I report regularly to our Parish Councils, and this is a brief Spring-Summer Ward Update on elections, planning, schools, highways and grants ...
Straight after the local elections
- I was appointed by Full Council to serve Central Bedfordshire as: Vice Chair of Sustainable Communities Oversight & Scrutiny; Member of Development Management Committee, Bedfordshire’s Police & Crime Panel, and the Appeals Panel; and substitute on the General Purposes Committee. I have been spending lots of time navigating CBC and getting up to speed.
Protecting our countryside
- 100 High Street, Meppershall - The appeal by developers to build 23 houses with an entrance onto one of the narrowest parts of the village (opposite the lower school and bakery) was dismissed by the Planning Inspector. Having attended the appeal hearing alongside local residents and campaigners, I wasn't immediately optimistic that CBC would win this one, but I'm really pleased we did. It's a common sense outcome and testament to lots of hard work by local people.
- Thomas’s Meadow, Shillington - Many of you will remember the previous campaign to stop houses being built on this important meadow in Shillington. The application went to a four-day judicial review, which CBC won against the developer. The campaign to stop the development was backed by the Parish Council, the Ward Member at the time (Alison Graham) and CPRE. The village is now coming together once again. I would encourage you to review the application on CBC’s online planning portal by searching for 23/03026 and sending comments to CBC before 20th October.
Still campaigning to stop Greenwoods New Town - Some of you may be at a loss as to why the Greenwoods application has not yet been determined. The target date has been repeatedly delayed and it appears that the delay lies with the applicant rather than CBC. The local action group continues to keep a close eye on this one!
- A planning update … but from further afield - I was pleased to approve (at Development Management Committee) plans to invest millions of pounds into the Luton Hoo golf course, which is hoped will help the venue secure the Ryder Cup in 2031. Approval has also recently been given for a state-of-the-art TV and film production complex near Stewartby - subject to important biodiversity plans – which will create high skilled jobs locally.
Supporting our schools
- Schools for the future put on hold – Before Summer, the independent administration at Central Bedfordshire paused the programme to move from three tier to two tier schools in our area. This decision is causing unnecessary uncertainty for our schools, so I have been meeting met with our headteachers and I’m working with colleagues to scrutinise the decision as we try hard to get things back on track. We have been promised a formal update during the Autumn, so watch this space ...
Elected Chair of Governors – At the first meeting of the Shillington and Stondon school governors this academic year, I was pleasantly surprised to be elected Chair. Supporting our schools is important to me. What and how children are taught is a foundation not only for the future success of individuals, but also of our communities and country. Great education opens minds, inspires, and provides the opportunity for children to go on and do great things. An Ofsted inspection in July rated our school in Shillington as ‘Good’ once again, and everyone involved is rightly very proud that the school received such a great report. I look forward to working with governors, teachers, and parents in this new role, to continue to improve the opportunities and chances for children locally, and to support the long-term success of our community.
- Speeding - I continue to be pressed, quite rightly, about the speed of traffic through our villages, and I have agreed with our Parish Councils to question our PCC at the next Police and Crime Panel meeting. I would also encourage more people to come forward and volunteer with me on one of our speed watch groups, to raise awareness and deter speeding.
- Road and footpath improvements - Central Bedfordshire's 2023/24 Highways Plan was published in July, and a number of improvements are planned for our villages. I met with the highways department in August to run through a very long list of priorities throughout the ward and a further meeting is planned for November. Much more needs to be done - especially in Meppershall following large development works - and I'm arguing to see more local investment in the 2024/25 Plan.
And finally … why not bid for a ward councillor grant?
- If you run a community organisation and would like some match funding for kit or equipment, please get in touch and bid for a share of £2,000 available to be allocated across the ward this year. I will report on the match funding provided after year-end.