I'm pleased that on 18 August 2023, CBC won its appeal against the proposed development of 23 dwellings at 100 High Street in Meppershall.
Local residents and the Parish Council have worked hard to resist this inappropriate development, which has resulted in a very welcome common sense outcome.
Building up to the ridge would damage our countryside and views to the village, and building at depth in one of the narrowest parts of the village (opposite the lower school and bakery) threatened to cause chaos, so this decision is great news.
Overall, the Inspector found that the benefits of the scheme (provision of homes, jobs during construction, economic benefits of new residents, a net gain in biodiversity, and a reduction in the level of noise generated from the farm to the benefit of existing occupiers) did not outweigh the identified policy conflicts with the development plan (Policies SP7, HQ1, HQ8 and EE5) and therefore dismissed the appeal.